Get ready to glow from the inside out! By incorporating these 8 tips for mindful eating you can support you digestion and optimize you absorption of nutrients for healthier skin, hair, and nails.

The way we consume our food is paramount, equal in importance to the quality of what we eat. It's not merely about ingesting nutritious food; rather, it's about ensuring that we efficiently absorb all essential nutrients from our meals. Failure to do so can detrimentally affect both our outward appearance and overall well-being.
Mindful eating embodies the art of fully engaging with our meals, harnessing the power of all our senses. It involves respecting our bodies and intentionally partaking in meals within a tranquil, present environment, thereby nurturing our beauty from within.
As a certified nutritionist, licensed cosmetologist, and holistic beauty expert, I am passionate about teaching individuals how to incorporate healthier lifestyle practices for an ageless glow from the inside out. Health is the foundation of beauty and learning how to optimize your nutrition is the ultimate anti aging beauty routine. Every time we pick up our fork is an opportunity to nourishing our beauty and support graceful aging.
Why should you prioritize mindful eating?
While the adage "You are what you eat' holds some truth, a more accurate assertion is, "You are what you absorb." Achieving optimal nutrient absorption hinges on supporting our digestion. Improved digestion and absorption directly translate to healthier hair, skin, nails, and overall well-being.
Try these 8 tips for mindful eating holistic beauty and wellness
1.) Avoid drinking liquids while you eat

Fluids have the potential to dilute stomach acid, a vital component for breaking down food to optimize absorption. Therefore, it's crucial to support our bodies during mealtime to maximize the health benefits.Though it may initially pose a challenge to forgo your favorite beverage while eating, the impact on digestion and nutrient absorption can be significant.
A helpful guideline is to wait approximately 20 minutes after finishing your meal before consuming liquids. If you get thirsty during your meal, try to take small sips to hydrate, but refrain from consuming large quantities of liquid.
2.) Listen to your body

It is important to tune in and listen to the cues that our bodies send us. They always communicating with us however, it is easy to ignore the signals if we aren't practicing mindfulness during out mealtime.
What we perceive as hunger may actually be our body's call for hydration. These signals can easily be mistaken for one another. Thus, it becomes imperative to cultivate the practice of listening intently to discern what our bodies truly require.
Related Post: 15 Tips for Healthier Eating
3.) Consume your Meals without Distractions

Turn off the television and put down the cell phone. Digestion starts in the brain, and when we are distracted, it can take a toll on how well we absorb the nutrients from our food.
When we are present, our mind prepares for the food it is about to receive, and its focus is on supporting the digestive process. Next time you sit down for a meal quiet your mind and tune into your meal.
4.) Prepare your body for food

Before you eat, show gratitude for your food and tell yourself that it will nourish your body. Take a moment and imagine that your meal will make you healthier, happier, and glowing from the inside out.
Your body believes what the brain tells it. The power of the mind is quite remarkable and if you get in the regular habit of showing gratitude for your food it can be quite transformative.
5.) Chew each bite of food at least 20xs

Slow down and take your time to enjoy your meal. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message that you are full. If you eat too quickly you may end up overeating. Slow down and tune in to your meal so your brain can catch up.
6.) Connect with your Food

Instead of viewing food as something that you have to eat to survive or something to soothe you instead, try to connect with the health and beauty benefits of food on a deeper level.
Food is one of the great joys of life. It gives us energy and can be one of the best resources to look and feel our best. Try to learn more about the health and beauty benefits of the foods you consume regularly.
The chicken that you had for dinner just might have some pretty amazing health benefits that go far beyond a simple source of protein. It can also be a rich source of the amino acids tryptophan that can increase serotonin levels and make you feel happier and carrots are far more beneficial than being a good source of beta carotene to support your eyesight. They are also a great source of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin K1, and potassium to encourage more radiant skin.
When we connect with our food on a deeper level it can change our whole perspective and inspire healthier eating patterns.
A great way to learn more about food is to watch educational videos on Youtube, read articles online, and read books about the health and beauty benefits of food.
Also, try visiting a local garden or growing some of your own food. Studies show that children who spend time gardening and understand where their food comes from are more likely to enjoy eating healthier foods.
7.) Take Deep Breaths While you Eat

Get in the habit of supporting your body with the power of the breath. Taking a moment in between bites to breathe in deeply will assist in digestion and keep your body in a relaxed state.
When our bodies are relaxed they can focus on the task at hand, eating. If we get stressed out we will go into fight or flight mode and the last thing on our minds is eating and digestion. When the body is stressed it is in a state of survival and its main focus is protecting you.
So, make sure to take deep breathes while eating and enjoy the relaxing time to nourish your beautiful body.
8.) Eat Foods that Make you Feel Good

We all are different and what works for one person will not work for another. Focusing on your bio individual needs can help guide you towards the foods that work best for your body. Food should make us feel good and when you listen to what your body needs to thrive you will have so much more mental clarity, energy, and enjoyment with the meals you consume.
So, tune into yourself and your needs and ignore what your best friend or health influencer tells you to eat. Your body knows best.
Remember that food is fuel for our bodies to function, and taking a few moments to support our body is kind and loving, and necessary.
Let us show our bodies some extra love and care. They work so hard for us.
In health and beauty,
Jessica Rose

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