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Gua Sha Tutorial with Jessica Rose on Get It Girl TV LATV Network

natural beauty tutorial jessica rose

If you’re looking to naturally improve the appearance of your skin, you’re in luck! The Gua Sha is an anti aging tool that works wonders to support your beauty and health naturally.

The Gua Sha is my favorite holistic beauty tool that I have been raving about for years, and for a good reason. It's often referred to as "A Natural Face Lift."

Watch my TV episode on LATV discussing the benefits of using a Gua Sha

Jessica Rose on Get It Girl TV LATV Network

What is a Gua Sha?

An ancient Chinese natural therapy that is over 2,000 years old. It improves lymph drainage resulting in a brighter, clearer complexion. It does a fantastic job at improving circulation to help clear out waste products like blackheads and pimples while lifting and sculpting the face for a more youthful appearance.

Gua Sha Tutorial

Jessica Rose on Get It Girl TV LATV Network

Watch the Full Episode on LATV Network

Season 9: Episode 11 "Wellness Tips with Jessica Rose" My segment is at the end of the episode.

gua sha tutorial jessica rose

Did you know the skin regenerates itself every 28 - 45 days? This means anyone can have fresh, younger, looking skin at any age. As with any natural beauty remedy, it takes time and dedication, but the effort is well worth it.

I see immediate results after using the Gua Sha. My whole face looks brighter, tighter, and lifted. The more you dedicate yourself to this practice, the better results you will see. After 28-45 days, you should see excellent results.

Benefits of using a Gua Sha

  • Lifts and sculpts the face

  • Supports tighter and firmer skin

  • Lifts the skin for an uplifted appearance (hello, natural facelift!)

  • Reduces fine lines

  • Stimulates the dermis to support collagen production

  • Increase circulation for healthy and glowing skin

  • Minimizes puffiness

  • Clears out waste products like blackheads and pimples

  • Works with the lymphatic system to support health

Pro tips: From a Licensed Cosmetologist (me, Jessica Rose!)

1.) Clean your Gua Sha before every use. You can cleanse it effectively with warm water and mild soap. Since the Gua Sha is used all over the face, you must clean it after each use and before each use s,o it doesn't collect dust and dirt.

2.) Cleanse your skin thoroughly with a gentle natural beauty cleanser and apply your skincare all over your face and neck. You want to provide your skin with enough moisture so the Gua Sha can easily glide on your skin without any pulling or dragging.

3.) Before using, ensure your hands are clean to avoid any excess bacteria.

4.) Start at the back of the neck and work your way to the front of the face. You can check out my favorite GUA Sha tutorial HERE. Many videos online demonstrate how to use a Gua Sha, but many are incorrect. Watch this one to learn how to use it correctly for the best results.

5.) Always keep your Gua Sha flat against your skin. You never want to use it on its side, the edge.

6.) Under the eyes, use feather-light pressure. I'm talking extremely light pressure. The skin under the eyes is very delicate. Think of it like tissue paper. You never want to pull or tug the under-eye.

7.) Focus on your neck before completing your Gua Sha facial. The lymph nodes in this area can get congested quickly, and it is essential to increase circulation in this area. It is essential to use light pressure. Most people assume that more pressure will be beneficial, but it is quite the opposite. Too much pressure means you are going too deep and will work with your facial muscles, not your lymphatic system. So keep it light and gently glide your Gua Sha from your chin and down the neck in gentle strokes, keeping the tool flat against the skin the entire time.

8.) Make sure to drink plenty of water after using the Gua Sha. This beautiful practice works with the lymphatic system to clear out waste s,o it is essential to support the process by staying hydrated.

9.) Practice every technique with the Gua Sha 5x's

10.) It should take you a minimum of 10 minutes if you do it properly. The goal is to slowly move the skin on the face upwards for a natural lift. If you do it too quickly, you will not get the full benefits. It takes me 20 minutes to do the entire face because I take my time and make sure to do it properly.

11.) Enjoy the practice and allow it to be a beautiful moment of self care and love. Give yourself a big smile and take a deep breath after each Gua Sha facial massage. You have just done something beautiful for yourself. You can practice Gua Sha every day if time allows or at least three times per week for the best results.

Jessica Rose demonstrates how to make a glowing skin face mask at home with ingredients from the kitchen

Cultura Shock on LATV Network

Television Episode: Season 1 Episode 5

"Instead of getting an expensive facial from the spa that's loaded with chemicals, why not make your own at home using only what's in your pantry? Wellness expert Jessica Rose demonstrates how to make your own, all-natural facial mask (that you can eat) on Sazonation"

- Cultura Shock, LATV Network


I hope you enjoyed learning more about this fantastic anti aging beauty tool. It is such a beautiful self care practice, and I highly recommend it.

author jessica rose jessica rose wellness

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